There has recently been a substantial amount of research promoting superfoods and their anti-aging properties, however the latest discovery could help to slow the process of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease!

A 2014 study showed that the compound of chemicals found within a pomegranate could help to slow neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. New research by a team of Swiss scientists has furthered this claim, adding that the fruit also contains other anti-aging properties that can help the elderly to improve both their endurance and muscle strength!
So, what is it about pomegranates that are good for us you ask? Well, our cells go through a process called mitophagy which recycles the worn-out powerhouses that fuel the cells. As we age, this process can slow and malfunction, therefore leaving our bodies vulnerable and weakened. However, the new research shows that a compound named urolithin may be able to bring back inactive mitophagy cells. Urolithin is produced in the stomach when an ingredient called ellagitannins, which is found in pomegranates, is digested. The natural result of these has been shown to promote the activity of mitophagy cells in mice as well as humans.
The issue at the moment is that the process that takes place within the stomach is hard to replicate in a lab. However, the experts working on this study say that within the next year they hope to have found a way to administer urolithin in a controlled way, to help slow or even stop the effects of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as improving muscle strength!
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